Oh by the way......

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....da da di da da di da..... Ah the wonderful voice of Andy Williams echoes through the great crowd at Montclair Plaza. It's the day before Christmas Eve and all the little Montclairies are running around purchasing their last minute gifts. I took my family on a last minute gift shopping and to finally get Alex to take his picture with Santa. We weave through the crowds looking for Santa's Toy Village and we finally see the little land and notice the line isn't so long. So we quickly walk to the end of the line only to find out that it ends there but starts way back there. Bummer. Oh well, it's Alex's first Christmas and we must have his picture taken with Santa.

Four hours later, not really more like 1 1/2 later, we gaze upon our little 5X7 glory when Jason pipes in and says, "I think we should buy something really nice for my friend Kristy since she spent a good $50 on us for Christmas". I automatically think, lotions from Victoria's Secret. What girl doesn't like to lather up on the flowery mystical scent of Victoria's Secret and secretly pretend she looks like Giselle Bundchen. So off we trek to the great big elevator so we could get to the 2nd floor, which by the way, the great big elevator is in the center court of the mall and Victoria's Secret is on the east end corner of the mall. That's stupid in my book.

After fighting with the retarded sales assistant for 10 minutes, she's not really retarded but in my mind she is, she finally directs me to her manager. She looks at the box and says, "We can go ahead and exchange it but I'll have to credit you $14 for it so you can't get a full exchange since we don't make the set anymore." There's that stupid line again. By this time, I was so tired of hearing that line, we don't make this set anymore. What's more irritating is what makes it a set is the plastic mold that holds the bottles and the dumb stripped box. What I should have done is chucked that stupid box and brought the bottles to the stupid store, sorry, I'm annoyed. The scents and the bottle shape and size is the same as what they had there. I gave in since I wanted to get the heck out of there and away from the scary women who are now fighting each other over the one 34B Body by Victoria bra. I pick up a bottle set for Kristy, one for my Aunt Lucy and one for myself, I had to reward myself after losing my mind over the stupid bottle set.
I pay for the bottles and I weave myself out of the we don't make that set anymore store. I see my adoring husband and cute baby standing outside of the store when Jason asks what I got for Kristy. I show him the bottles of Romantic Wish and then he says, "I think she's allergic to flowery scents." I stare at him and envision myself pushing the stroller aside and throwing myself off the 2nd floor and landing right in the middle of the crowd and the Verizon kiosk. Instead I say nothing, grab the stroller and simply walk away.
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